Overall Purpose:
The overall purpose of this course is to equip you with foundational Continuous Improvement and Lean Six Sigma knowledge so that you could successfully engage and participate in any Continuous Improvement initiative. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand, interpret and use the terms and principles of Lean Six Sigma (Continuous Improvement/Kaizen).
Key Objectives:
- Understand key definitions associated with Continuous Improvements, such as Processes, Value and Waste, Kaizen, etc.
- You will get familiar with the P.D.C.A. & D.M.AI.C. methodology and you will understand what each of the phases of both methodologies is trying to accomplish
- You will acquire important foundational knowledge to keep building your career through the different certification levels that we will offer at BBetter
- By completing this course successfully you will become a Certified White Belt
White Belt BBetter Competencies
All Staff : Competencies are not only about what you know but how you apply what you know. Competencies should:
- Define expectations of your position (not tasks)
- Identify measurable and/or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, and behaviours
- Provide flexibility to respond as job functions and technology evolve
- Describe the work of an organization
Leaders : As the workplace changes, leadership must consider what is essential for staff to achieve the organization’s mission. Competencies can:
- Align individual behaviors and skills with the strategic direction of the organization
- Identify hiring needs based on competency gaps
- Find the most appropriate pool of candidates
- Clarify expectations of a position
- Assist employees in creating Individual Development Plans (IDPs) that support organizational goals
Continuous Improvement is an indispensable competency that helps to strengthen many others, but here is a closer look at two of the core competencies associated with this program, Continuous Improvement and Problems Solving.
Competencies are:
- Information developed or learned through experience, study or investigation
- The result of repeatedly applying knowledge or ability
- An innate potential to perform mental and physical actions or tasks
- The observable reaction of an individual to a certain situation
If you want to know more about Competencies, feel free to access the following external resources:
- Dictionary – definitions of core competencies
- Models – sample competency models to help get started
- FAQs – answers to common questions
Continuous Improvement and Problem Solving are two of the most critical competencies that you will be able to strengthen by completing this course. These two competencies are foundational for any individual, team, or organization.
Continuous Improvement Competency :
Ensures work meets or exceeds standards and identifies and implements ways to make job tasks or processes more efficient. Key Behaviors:
- Identifies alternatives to existing job tasks or processes, and offers suggestions for improvement.
- Seeks feedback from colleagues, superiors, and customers.
- Under direction, implements ways to make job tasks or processes more efficient.
- Understands job tasks or processes and their impact on goals and objectives.
- Studies best practices that can be applied to improve work tasks and processes.
Problem Solving :
Identifies problems and uses logic, judgment, and data to evaluate alternatives and recommend solutions to achieve the desired organizational goal or outcome. Key Behaviors
- Identifies and evaluates problems and possible causes to determine root causes and impacts.
- Generates solutions, taking into consideration political, organizational, and individual realities.
- Identifies options for solving a problem and evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of each option.
- Uses a logical method for organizing and analyzing information.
- Coordinates with others within his/her network, subject-matter experts, and /or additional senior staff to interpret administrative policies, offer advice, and solve related problems.
- Uses expertise in policies and procedures to identify problems, and makes recommendations for addressing these via communication, job aids, training, etc.
- Researches issues thoroughly. Do not jump to quick conclusions or formulate opinions based on incorrect assumptions, or inaccurate/incomplete information.