Hi, welcome to BBetter – White Belt certification program. It is a pleasure and an honor to know that you have a desire and an aspiration to learn more about Continuous Improvement but more importantly to become better.
We believe that by taking this program you are taking a big step in the right direction. This Continuous Improvement program is going to equip you with the fundamentals to be able to learn how to improve individually, as a team, and in the organization you serve.
This could be one of the most important courses that you will take in your professional career. During this training, you will learn some of the most foundational elements of a solid Continuous Improvement formation.
I am confident that this course will help in your personal and professional career. The White Belt program will equip you with the right knowledge to be able to speak the Continuous Improvement language with others and if you decide you will be able to continue to advance your career in the area of Continuous Improvement (Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt).
At the end of this course, you will be asked to complete and pass a final quiz, and to submit the key lessons you learned throughout this program, once you do that, you will become a Certified White Belt.
Thank you again for your passion and commitment to Continuous Improvement In Continuous Improvement we often say:
Sincerely Master Black Belt Carlos Ray Ruiz, The Continuous Improvement Guy
Click below to download your participant guide
As simple and concise as this White Belt certification program is, it is full of great nuggets of knowledge that will equip you in your Continuous Improvement journey. This guide is designed to help you discover and affirm the knowledge that will help you improve your Continuous Improvement competencies. The purpose of this guide is to help you better focus and process the information that you will learn throughout the White Belt program. It will also help you to take notes, reflections, and lessons learned so that you will be able to have it at your fingertips when you need to apply or reference your learnings. How to use this guide:
- Use it electronically. For those who feel more comfortable taking electronic notes, feel free to keep this guide in its Word format so that you can directly type your notes and reflections.
- Print and handwrite your notes. If you like to keep a hard copy, then print this guide and take handwritten notes as you navigate through the different modules